Peace in “Will You Please?”

Photo by Anna Shvets on

The greatest thing happened the other night.

Hubs and I were settling in for the night. I was almost through the under-eye application, having already showered and brushed my teeth. I was pleasantly on my way to lie down on my favorite bed in the world: our super stiff, firm mattress that is practically a wooden board and nearly unmatched in its support.

And Hubs said, “Will you please…” and asked for me to do something. A non-priority, non-urgent, completely unnecessary request that would make him feel good.

P.S.: It’s NOT the thing you’re thinking about.

Under normal circumstances, requests made after 9 p.m. receive a “harumph” noise, intentionally small and quiet, mostly masqueraded as part of a yawn.

But, we’ve been talking lately.

And reading.

And one of Gary Chapman’s suggestions (he wrote The Five Love Languages and a zillion other books about couples and love) is to continually ask, “What can I do to show you love?”

We’ve been married almost 15 years. What we used to do to show love has changed. What we want to receive in order to feel love has changed, too.

So, last night, when he said, “Will you please…” it was completely perfect. I heard different words than I have before. I heard a man asking his wife for a moment, a symbol of love. And I was SO THANKFUL. I didn’t have to think. I didn’t have to envision some elaborate gift or plan or event to show my love. I just had to say, “YES!” and show up for him.

So, I did.

This got me thinking.

I feel like I was taught not to ask for much. I was taught to do for myself. I was taught to learn self advocacy and ask for less. Which, are all great lessons. They’re lessons I’m teaching my kids, too.

But life is about balance.

And sometimes, we can ask, “Will you please?” and see what comes of it.

This brings me peace.

I love being asked and being in service. I love showing my love in ways I KNOW will be felt. And dreaming of this brings me peace, too.

What brought you peace this week? Share the peace!

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